Saturday, 24 August 2013

Color and Personality

Tell one of these colors and check Ur personality

1. black
2. blue
3. orange
4. yellow
5 . violet
6 white
7 pink

RED: very optimistic person . you will be the leader. You are ambitious and competitive. You have a passion and enthusiasm for life and are not afraid to pursue your dreams and goals. You are impulsive. Patience is not one of your strong points. You can be aggressive and easy to anger, often exhibiting a violent temper. you do not hold a grudge. You can be somewhat of a know-it-all, not wanting to appear unintelligent or ignorant. You can be quite determined when you want something, but tend to have a short attention span.

WHITE: very Peace oriented person , very neat person, with a positive and optimistic nature. You are well-balanced, sensible, discreet and wise. You are cautious, practical. You tend to have a great deal of self control. You are confident, poised and self-assured when at your most positive, but can also be very choosy and fastidious when the mood strikes. You can be very critical of yourself and others. You are self-sufficient and a loner. You may appear to be shy, u are always wish to end everything in peace and
willing to wait so long for good results

BLACK: Prestige and power are important to you. You are independent, strong-willed and determined. . You like to keep people at a distance. You may be looking for protection from any negativity that surrounds you. You hold things inside and are not good at sharing yourself with others. You are methodical in your work, making sure everything is completed as required, down to the last detail. It may be a color of comfort to you, allowing you to retreat and hide from the real world. You may be retreating behind black during a difficult time in your life.

YELLOW: want everything in order. . You are creative, often being the one who comes up with new ideas. You tend to have your head in the clouds much of the time. You analyze everything, all the time, and are methodical in your thinking. You are impulsive and make quick decisions, but often, out of anxiety, jump in too quickly and rush things. You have a strong independent streak in you, and are selective with your choice of friends. You tend to hide your emotions, putting on a brave face in times of adversity. You have a modern outlook. New technology doesn't faze you. You communicate well on a mental level with like-minded people, but can become bitter and sharp-tongued if crossed. You are good at networking and getting information out of others. You can be stubborn but dislike pettiness and spitefulness of all kinds. You are good at anything that involves the mind, rather than physical pursuits.

GREEN: You are practical, down-to-earth person. willing to help everyone .You are stable and well balanced You are kind, generous and compassionate. You have a great need to love and to be loved and you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve- you are an open book. You have a need to belong. You are at home in any social situation. You have high moral standards and doing the right thing is important to you. You like to be accepted,appreciated and admired for the good you do in the community as well as in your family life. You are a loyal friend and a faithful partner, gentle but not passionate.

BLUE: they don't believe others words quickly and very emotional person .You are conservative, reliable and trustworthy - you are quite trusting of others although you are very wary in the beginning until you are sure of the other person. You are not impulsive- you always think before you speak and act and do everything at your own pace in your own time. You take time to process and share your feelings. You are genuine and sincere, and you take your responsibilities seriously. You have a deep need for peace and harmony in your everyday life. You appear to be confident and self-controlled, but may be hiding your vulnerable side.

PINK: thinks that everything happening for a good reason and don't like to hurt others .You are loving, kind, generous and sensitive to the needs of others. You are friendly and approachable with a warmth and softness others are drawn to. You have a maternal instinct, with a need to protect and take care of others. You are very much in touch with your femininity - this includes men who are in touch with their feminine side. You are romantic and sensual and sensitive. With your optimistic and positive outlook on life, you see the good in everyone. You are methodical and organized, although you can sometimes be rather flippant when the immature girly side of pink appears.

Violet : very spiritual person an willing to give and help others .Having a personality color purple or violet as your favourite color means you are sensitive and compassionate, understanding and supportive, thinking of others before yourself.

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